Saturday, February 6, 2016

You're either in, or you're in the way | Crabs in a Bucket Theory

Picture this. Crabs in a bucket.
One crab decides he doesn't want to be in the bucket anymore and starts climbing out toward freedom. The other crabs notice and start to pull their fellow crab back down into the bucket. They hold on with their pinchers until he finally gives up and settles back down into the bucket.

No, this isn't a depressing story I made up. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Be honest...which crab are you?
We'd all like to think of ourselves as the brave crab trying to escape mediocrity, but maybe instead you're a part of the chick clique or group of bros that tries to hold back the one trying to leave the cast? (Knowledge bomb. A group of crabs is called a cast.)
The Escapee: Do what you need to do to be successful.
Is someone mocking your determined demeanor and laser beam focus? Who cares? You'll be smiling from ear to ear when you land that college athletic scholarship and become an academic all-American student athlete. Do your teammates joke around or flaunt an uncontrollable ego in the weight room? Everyone is trying to race through sports as if its a sprint. Its not. Its a marathon of honing your tactical skill and athleticism while staying free from major injuries. Look at how many were labeled "amazing athletes" their freshmen year, and after four years left school slower and weaker. A lot. Don't let that be you. If they're not in, they're in the way.
The Crabs: Man/Woman Up
You think you're too tired for extra practice. Your parents have told you you're too good for that team, and you think you're above hard work. Talent only gets you so far in sports, and when that runs out, hard work has to step in. Its fine if you don't want to do the extra work, I get it, Admit defeat, or man/woman up and work your ass off too. Don't drag down your friends who are genuinely trying to better themselves. If you have a problem with it, its simple, don't be friends with them anymore. Warning: That will backfire because it will be the extra motivation they need to get to the next level. So, you in? If you're out, you're in the way.

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