Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Road to the Record | 7 Weeks Out

snapchat: samschaefer.now
I came into week 7 with fire and determination in my eyes, but by the end of the week all I could do was try my best to not eat every Reece's Easter egg and all the strawberry shortcake. I didn't eat all of them, but I did my share of damage. The past couple days have been spent eating a ton of protein and limiting my carbs to help eliminate some water weight I accumulated over the weekend. So far, I'm back down to where I was before, but still need to lose 7lbs in the next 7 weeks to make weight on May 15th.

Admittedly, I haven't been doing my mobility work like I should, and soreness has been creeping into my muscles and joints. I'm pushing more weight than ever, but I absolutely have to get my act together in this department. Its imperative. My stress level rises when I'm sore too. Coincidence? I don't think so. When I'm sore, I'm tense. When I'm tense, I feel stressed. There is a reason people do yoga and meditation, and I would love to make the time to do yoga on a regular basis. Until that happens, I have to commit to the lacrosse ball and foam roller daily.

On a high note, I box squatted 265lb for 8 and this is now the most weight I've ever had on my back. I also did my banded bench press max for reps, and can (for the first time in my life) do pull ups unassisted. I also saw this amazingly awkward "crazy cat lady" singlet that is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen! I've had several requests by friends and clients to wear this to the meet.

Oh, and I had a birthday! I'm 28 years old now and excited about my journey to 30!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Joe Prichard | Athlete of the Week

If the last time you saw Joe Prichard was last summer, he will be unrecognizable to you this baseball season. Joe has been training with Top Crop Barbell trainers since late last summer and his results have been undeniable in the gym, on the pitching mound, catching, and at the plate. Joe thinks the biggest thing he's learned since starting his sport performance training is "hard work pays off." We are so proud of his journey and can't wait to watch him sprint around the bases this baseball season.

Favorite Subjects:

Club Team:
--Derby Twins Baseball
--Wichita Grizzlies Football

--Making war models
--Collecting NERF guns

Congrats to Joe and the Derby Twins in the latest tournament championship win!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Halle Wilson | Athlete of the Week

Halle is the "Silent Assassin" during training never showing pain or elation, but her love of volleyball is clear for everyone to see. Over the course of the last 6 months, we've watched Halle grow inches taller, but also more confident in the gym. Since training at Top Crop Barbell, Halle says her biggest take-away has been "always make sure you give full effort in everything you do."

School: Andover Middle School
GPA: 3.8
Club Team: Shockwave Volleyball Academy
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Reading
Future Goals: Playing volleyball in college.

The past weekend ended with good news from Halle when she informed us that her team is going to compete at the national tournament! Go get 'em Halle!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Road to the Record | 8 Weeks Out

This past week was a total gut check. My newest training phase left me sore and tired, but luckily I was able to sleep more than usual because of the Spring Break lull at work. The new increase in volume (overall sets, reps, and weight used) sent my body into shock and survival mode and my bodyweight didn't budge. Not to fret, I still have two months to make weight. I downed my calories another 200 calories a day, nothing drastic, and we'll see what happens this week. I'm starting to get close to my body's natural set point and I feel like these last few pounds are going to be a bit of a challenge to lose. I haven't been under 150lb in 5 years.

This past week I also received two packages in the mail...one was my AAU member shirt (who doesn't like t-shirts?) and the other was my new weightlifting belt. This is the nicest belt I've ever owned and was put to the test last leg day when I did 3x3 heavy pause squats and 4x8 high box squats. Its kind of comical to see me get in and out of this new belt because I can't buckle it (or unbuckle it) without help. Hopefully this will change as it gets more broken in.

A few small victories for this past week is that I had the most weight on my back than I ever have before, 255lb, and didn't feel like breaking in half! Also, my bench press set up (staying tight and using good leg drive) is getting better and better, and my wrists have been holding up despite the increase in overall pressing movements. So far, I haven't felt the need to have to wear wrist wraps.

Time is ticking and May will be here before I know it!

Friday, March 18, 2016

5 Things You MUST Do Before Starting Your Diet

You've already fallen off the New Years Resolution bandwagon. Now you're really ready to make lasting change toward your health, fitness, and aesthetic goals by changing your eating habits. Before googling "best nutrition plans of 2016," follow these 5 steps to ensure you get started on the right foot.

1. Don't change anything, yet.
There is no need to start exercising and changing your eating habits all at once. (Seems kind of weird for personal trainers to say this, right? Trust us.) Trying to workout 4x a week and cutting carbs both in the beginning of your new lifestyle change will drive you crazy. Change one thing at a time. If you want to keep up with your social eating and drinking, then try to make it to the gym more often. If you find it more difficult to make it to the gym, then be more diligent with your eating habits. Don't change your entire lifestyle all at once.

2. Track your current diet.
You can't manipulate your eating habits safely and effectively unless you know how crappy you currently eat. Many people eat too much, but just as many eat too little. Yes, it is possible to eat too few of carbs, calories, fat, protein, and overall calories. Use a diet tracking app (myfitnesspal or mynetdiary) to track everything you eat and drink for at least 2 weeks...don't lie to yourself and don't change anything. Seriously, track everything. This will give you an accurate representation of how you eat and will guide you to deciding the best way to manipulate your diet.

3. Buy a food scale.
Having trouble figuring out exactly how much you're eating? Use a food/kitchen scale to learn how much a serving of almonds really looks like. Over time, you'll be able to "eye ball" how much a serving size is of your favorite snacks and foods.

4. Don't follow trends.
Trendy diet plans do work, but they aren't meant for lasting change. Sure, you might know people who lost a ton of weight doing the Adkins or South Beach diets, but there are exponentially more people who have lost and gained back even more weight. These types of diets can absolutely ruin your metabolism and hinder the effectiveness of your weekly workouts.

5. Ask a professional.
NEWS FLASH! Most doctors are not trained in nutrition, and the honest ones will tell you that. Also, anyone can call themselves a "nutritionist" and prescribe you a generic diet plan. However, take your health into your own hands and do your research (or reach out to us for more insight) and check the credentials of several nutritionists and dieticians in your area. Forewarning, if anyone tells you to cut 1,000 calories out of your diet the first month of your new plan...RUN AWAY! This is an unhealthy and unrealistic approach to nutrition and should be avoided at all costs.

Please reach out to us in the comments below if you would like for us to expand on any of these issues.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Reebok is coming to TCBB!

Click here to browse the newest spring collection.
We are excited to announce that Top Crop Barbell has been invited to be Reebok affiliate!
Now our clients, members, friends, and family will be the first to know about any of Reebok's new arrivals, clearance items, and can use Top Crop Barbell's exclusive coupon codes and links to get your favorite shoes and workout gear at a discount!

Here are the first coupons that were sent to us today. Enjoy!

BOGO 50% Off All Footwear In Reebok Outlet (use code KIDS40)

40% Off All Kids Outlet Apparel & Footwear (use code FRESHKICKS)
(expires 3/20)

25% Off Custom Shoes
(FYI...custom shoes NEVER go on sale)

We are excited to be a part of the Reebok family and are proud that we're able to provide this service to you. Thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Samantha Vaughn | Athlete of the Week

Samantha is one of the fastest athletes training at TCBB and has an incredible competitiveness that can't be taught. Once she gets her wheels turning, few people will catch her...you could try, but we guarantee she'll give 100% every time. She has been playing soccer for 7 years and we're excited to continue seeing her grow and become an unstoppable force. She likes to push herself and says "Top Crop has helped me become an overall better athlete."

School: Wichita South High School
Grade: Freshman
GPA: 4.0
Club Team: SC Cosmos
---Playing Sports

In the future, Samantha aims to play soccer in college and is thinking about studying to be a veterinarian. Since training with Top Crop Barbell, Samantha says "I've learned how to stay motivated," even through the most intense workouts.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Road to the Record | 9 Weeks Out

As much as I'd like to be perfect, I'm just like everyone else and this past week was a prime example. I didn't get enough sleep, I skipped meals, didn't do my mobility work, and had copious amounts of caffeine...not my proudest moments. On a brighter note, my training went really well and my strength is still climbing!

This week I start a new training phase.
Last phase focused on less volume and perfecting my form in the squat and bench press. Follow the link to see exactly what my training entailed and the weight I used for each set. (Fun fact, we put this much detail when we train our clients too.) I am by no means saying this is the perfect training plan for everyone...it isn't. My training program is set up specifically for me and my weaknesses.

Click the link or picture to see the entire Phase I training cycle.

This newest phase is kicking it up a bit and is much higher in volume and intensity, and actually has some cardio exercises. The cardio is to help maintain GPP (General Physical Preparedness), and might help me shave off some extra pounds to make weigh-ins a little easier. I already did the first leg day of the phase, and it was a gut-check. If you follow me on SnapChat, I snapped about this day. Someone may have puked on the first day of this phase.

If you don't follow me, look me up (samschaefer.now).
Meet prep goals for this week:
  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night...no exceptions.
  2. Drink water constantly.
  3. Mobilize
  4. Be prepared for unexpected things in the day (bring protein shakes everywhere)!
  5. Order a new weightlifting belt.
  6. Order my singlet.
Wish me luck and thank you for being my teammates. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kenzie Sweet | Athlete of the Week

Kenzie Sweet started working with TCBB trainers almost 1 year ago, and we couldn't imagine the gym without her. She truly is a part of the Top Crop Barbell family, and is this week's Athlete of the Week. She works every week toward becoming a more dynamic catcher and leader of her softball team. Since training at TCBB, Kenzie says she's learned "how to motivate and believe in [herself]" and that training should be fun too!

School: Eisenhower Middle School
GPA: 3.571
Club Team: Impact
  • Hanging out with her sister and fellow TCBB athlete, Kiley Sweet (read her story here).
  • Baking and decorating cupcakes.
Kenzie plans on putting her softball skills to good use by landing a college athletic scholarship, and later, share love and happiness through cupcakes when she owns her own bakery. Cheat day anyone?!? Sign us up!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Road to the Record | 10 Weeks Out

(myfitnesspal tracker)
The week flew by with business expansion projects (which aren't completely done yet), an achy knee due to being on my feet waaaaaay more than usual, and a few days with little sleep. Basically, LIFE wasn't picture perfect and firmly planted me back into the reality that my road to beating the Oklahoma Women's Powerlifting Record will be a winding one. My motivation never waned, I kept my eyes on the prize, and my week of training and cutting weight ended much better than it began.

I think my "cut" is going really well and I am definitely getting leaner every week. Before this meet prep officially started (Feb. 20th), I was almost exactly smack dab between 2 weight classes. Instead of being the lightest woman in the 168lb weight class, Ben (my coach) and I decided it would be in my best interest to cut down to the 148lb class and be one of the biggest girls in the group (giving me a slight advantage). In the beginning I needed to lose about 10-12 pounds to comfortably be where I need to be come weight-in night (May 13th.). Easy day!!! Over the past 2 years we've been reverse engineering my diet so that when the time came for me to shed extra body fat, I could do so easily. Now's the time and the weight is melting off.

(myfitnesspal tracker)

Let me just clear something up right away...
No, the weight isn't coming off easily because I'm younger than 30, do a ton of cardio (which I don't), only eat healthy foods (which I don't), or did some weird trendy cleanse (which I definitely didn't).

Here's the reality...
1. I trained my body to tolerate as many calories as possible over the course of 2 years in order for my basal metabolic rate to be as high as possible.

2. I tracked my eating habits for 2 months straight before changing any of my macros (carbs, fats, proteins).

3. I am aware and understand that the scale doesn't go down incrementally and don't make huge changes when the scale might go up (and it does all the time).

4. I have laser beam focus and determination.

It's definitely been a team effort between me and Ben. I have to stay focused, push hard in the gym, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and stay true to my macros. He writes the programming and buys the groceries. I feel confident that we're on the easiest and healthiest path to success.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

4 Easy Ways to Start Eating Clean | Family Edition

Choosing to eat "clean" is easy to understand logically, but can be extremely difficult to execute, especially if you have picky eaters (kids or adults).

We should start by giving a brief explanation as to what clean eating is and why it is beneficial for everyone of any age and activity level. Clean eating is choosing foods that are whole foods (little to no processing or ingredients added) and preparing them in a way that keeps them "clean." For example, if you decide to cook fish, breading it and bathing it in Crisco makes it no longer a "clean" food. Sorry.

Here are 4 ways to start eating clean and make the transition as easy as possible.

1. Don't start fresh.
Great! You've decided to eat clean. But hold up, don't go through your pantry and throw everything away all at once. You paid good money for that food and it shouldn't be thrown away. Instead, eat what you have (or donate it), and then choose a "clean" option the next time you go shopping. Its a gradual progression to a healthier lifestyle and the transition won't be as shocking.

2. Make the same recipes your family is used to eating.
Again, its great that you have decided to change your eating habits, but no need to go experimenting with new exotic hippie cuisine. If your family loves spaghetti, make spaghetti with "cleaner" ingredients and they might not even know the difference. In fact, they might think it tastes better.

3. Plan ahead...The 5 Ps
  • Prior
  • Planning
  • Prevents
  • Poor
  • Performance
Pack foods and a water bottle to help you continue your clean eating lifestyle while at work or school. Temptations will be hard to avoid if you don't have a plan of attack.

4. Don't complain.
Will it be hard to make this change? Yes. Will it be worth it? Yes. In all honesty, if you don't want to eat clean, then don't. No one is holding your feet to the fire and making you do it. If you want to feel more alert and focused throughout the day while your waistline is whittling and your student athletes are getting stronger while their acne is clearing...then do it, but don't complain about it. It only makes it harder to succeed.

Want more fitness inspiration, advice, and recipes? Follow Sam's TCBB Pinterest Board: Click Here

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Brynn Wilson | Athlete of the Week

Liberos are supposed to be fearless, quick, focused, and have laser beam passing accuracy...and that's exactly what Brynn is for her teams. It's rare to see Brynn outside of volleyball practice or training. She loves volleyball and wants to be the best libero she can be for her school, club, and sand volleyball teams. Since training at Top Crop Barbell, Brynn says, "I have learned that you have to keep working and trying hard to see any change [in your performance]." She goes on to say, "Don't cheat yourself or your teammates!"

School: Andover High School
Grade: 9th
GPA: 3.7
Club Team: Wichita Volleyball Academy (15-1)
  -Hanging out with friends
Future Goals:
  -Play volleyball for Alabama University or Kansas University

Follow Brynn and her journey on Twitter @brynnwilson4