Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Road to the Record | 7 Weeks Out

snapchat: samschaefer.now
I came into week 7 with fire and determination in my eyes, but by the end of the week all I could do was try my best to not eat every Reece's Easter egg and all the strawberry shortcake. I didn't eat all of them, but I did my share of damage. The past couple days have been spent eating a ton of protein and limiting my carbs to help eliminate some water weight I accumulated over the weekend. So far, I'm back down to where I was before, but still need to lose 7lbs in the next 7 weeks to make weight on May 15th.

Admittedly, I haven't been doing my mobility work like I should, and soreness has been creeping into my muscles and joints. I'm pushing more weight than ever, but I absolutely have to get my act together in this department. Its imperative. My stress level rises when I'm sore too. Coincidence? I don't think so. When I'm sore, I'm tense. When I'm tense, I feel stressed. There is a reason people do yoga and meditation, and I would love to make the time to do yoga on a regular basis. Until that happens, I have to commit to the lacrosse ball and foam roller daily.

On a high note, I box squatted 265lb for 8 and this is now the most weight I've ever had on my back. I also did my banded bench press max for reps, and can (for the first time in my life) do pull ups unassisted. I also saw this amazingly awkward "crazy cat lady" singlet that is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen! I've had several requests by friends and clients to wear this to the meet.

Oh, and I had a birthday! I'm 28 years old now and excited about my journey to 30!

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