Thursday, March 3, 2016

4 Easy Ways to Start Eating Clean | Family Edition

Choosing to eat "clean" is easy to understand logically, but can be extremely difficult to execute, especially if you have picky eaters (kids or adults).

We should start by giving a brief explanation as to what clean eating is and why it is beneficial for everyone of any age and activity level. Clean eating is choosing foods that are whole foods (little to no processing or ingredients added) and preparing them in a way that keeps them "clean." For example, if you decide to cook fish, breading it and bathing it in Crisco makes it no longer a "clean" food. Sorry.

Here are 4 ways to start eating clean and make the transition as easy as possible.

1. Don't start fresh.
Great! You've decided to eat clean. But hold up, don't go through your pantry and throw everything away all at once. You paid good money for that food and it shouldn't be thrown away. Instead, eat what you have (or donate it), and then choose a "clean" option the next time you go shopping. Its a gradual progression to a healthier lifestyle and the transition won't be as shocking.

2. Make the same recipes your family is used to eating.
Again, its great that you have decided to change your eating habits, but no need to go experimenting with new exotic hippie cuisine. If your family loves spaghetti, make spaghetti with "cleaner" ingredients and they might not even know the difference. In fact, they might think it tastes better.

3. Plan ahead...The 5 Ps
  • Prior
  • Planning
  • Prevents
  • Poor
  • Performance
Pack foods and a water bottle to help you continue your clean eating lifestyle while at work or school. Temptations will be hard to avoid if you don't have a plan of attack.

4. Don't complain.
Will it be hard to make this change? Yes. Will it be worth it? Yes. In all honesty, if you don't want to eat clean, then don't. No one is holding your feet to the fire and making you do it. If you want to feel more alert and focused throughout the day while your waistline is whittling and your student athletes are getting stronger while their acne is clearing...then do it, but don't complain about it. It only makes it harder to succeed.

Want more fitness inspiration, advice, and recipes? Follow Sam's TCBB Pinterest Board: Click Here

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