Sunday, March 6, 2016

Road to the Record | 10 Weeks Out

(myfitnesspal tracker)
The week flew by with business expansion projects (which aren't completely done yet), an achy knee due to being on my feet waaaaaay more than usual, and a few days with little sleep. Basically, LIFE wasn't picture perfect and firmly planted me back into the reality that my road to beating the Oklahoma Women's Powerlifting Record will be a winding one. My motivation never waned, I kept my eyes on the prize, and my week of training and cutting weight ended much better than it began.

I think my "cut" is going really well and I am definitely getting leaner every week. Before this meet prep officially started (Feb. 20th), I was almost exactly smack dab between 2 weight classes. Instead of being the lightest woman in the 168lb weight class, Ben (my coach) and I decided it would be in my best interest to cut down to the 148lb class and be one of the biggest girls in the group (giving me a slight advantage). In the beginning I needed to lose about 10-12 pounds to comfortably be where I need to be come weight-in night (May 13th.). Easy day!!! Over the past 2 years we've been reverse engineering my diet so that when the time came for me to shed extra body fat, I could do so easily. Now's the time and the weight is melting off.

(myfitnesspal tracker)

Let me just clear something up right away...
No, the weight isn't coming off easily because I'm younger than 30, do a ton of cardio (which I don't), only eat healthy foods (which I don't), or did some weird trendy cleanse (which I definitely didn't).

Here's the reality...
1. I trained my body to tolerate as many calories as possible over the course of 2 years in order for my basal metabolic rate to be as high as possible.

2. I tracked my eating habits for 2 months straight before changing any of my macros (carbs, fats, proteins).

3. I am aware and understand that the scale doesn't go down incrementally and don't make huge changes when the scale might go up (and it does all the time).

4. I have laser beam focus and determination.

It's definitely been a team effort between me and Ben. I have to stay focused, push hard in the gym, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and stay true to my macros. He writes the programming and buys the groceries. I feel confident that we're on the easiest and healthiest path to success.

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