Saturday, March 12, 2016

Road to the Record | 9 Weeks Out

As much as I'd like to be perfect, I'm just like everyone else and this past week was a prime example. I didn't get enough sleep, I skipped meals, didn't do my mobility work, and had copious amounts of caffeine...not my proudest moments. On a brighter note, my training went really well and my strength is still climbing!

This week I start a new training phase.
Last phase focused on less volume and perfecting my form in the squat and bench press. Follow the link to see exactly what my training entailed and the weight I used for each set. (Fun fact, we put this much detail when we train our clients too.) I am by no means saying this is the perfect training plan for isn't. My training program is set up specifically for me and my weaknesses.
Click the link or picture to see the entire Phase I training cycle.

This newest phase is kicking it up a bit and is much higher in volume and intensity, and actually has some cardio exercises. The cardio is to help maintain GPP (General Physical Preparedness), and might help me shave off some extra pounds to make weigh-ins a little easier. I already did the first leg day of the phase, and it was a gut-check. If you follow me on SnapChat, I snapped about this day. Someone may have puked on the first day of this phase.

If you don't follow me, look me up (
Meet prep goals for this week:
  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every exceptions.
  2. Drink water constantly.
  3. Mobilize
  4. Be prepared for unexpected things in the day (bring protein shakes everywhere)!
  5. Order a new weightlifting belt.
  6. Order my singlet.
Wish me luck and thank you for being my teammates. 

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